SD-WAN Technology and how it adds value to your business
For any organization that has remote sites or employees and works with cloud services in one way or the other, then SD-WAN is a technology that the firm needs to go for. For the years that we have been providing Managed SD-WAN Services in Tanzania, our clients have tremendously noticed the difference between using traditional Wide Area Network technology and SD-WAN. But what is SD- WAN technology exactly and how does it make a difference to your business?
SD-WAN is a virtual WAN architecture and it is quite useful to any organization that wants to
leverage transport services such as LTE, MPLS and broadband services in securely connecting users to applications. This definition could be a bit technical but in short is that SD-WAN Technology is well known for network traffic management, high-speed maintenance and connectivity optimization.
As we continue with this article, we do go through how SD-WAN does add value to a business:
1. Network Speed and Security
SD-WAN architecture is well known for its performance when it comes to network speed. You might ask yourself, “How does SD-WAN technology make it possible to have a fast internet connection?” One of the contributing features to fast connection is that SD-WAN does network traffic path selection and smart traffic routing which helps in choosing the best route for your traffic to go through and be delivered faster.
With fast network speed on one side, SD-WAN’s security is on the other. Security is guaranteed through end-to-end encryption for the applications that are communicating via the virtual WAN architecture. This adds value to your business where it will ensure security in all sites that are connected to the SD-WAN with less tempering to network traffic that goes through it.
2. Prevention of unnecessary costs
Fewer costs are incurred by the business in the sense that the technology is to speed up connectivity in your business. This will eventually improve how you operate in the organization and how you serve and attend your customers. Fewer costs are to be involved that could have shown up due to slow internet connection, challenges to connect within the firm and even data loss or Denial of Service attacks.
3. Staff Effectiveness and Efficiency
SD-WAN’s automation capability, smart traffic routing and cyber-attack prevention can reduce the number of staff costs and multiple inconveniences that the staff face when not using this technology. A business using SD-WAN can find out how network and connectivity performance has improved which in turn does result in less frustration for employees.
When the network is fast and wit lesser downtime, it leads to employees working efficiently hence better retainment of employees in the business. It also boosts their morale and helps the employees work efficiently without putting in unneeded efforts. Once the business retains its employees, it leads to having more experienced staff, attracts skilled workers from other companies and helps the business reduce time-to-time recruitment costs due to staff turnover.
4. Scaling with SD-WAN
As SD-WAN is application based and virtually managed, it provides an opportunity for a business to easily expand its connection with any new site as compared to other technologies. Easy Scaling is possible due to the flexibility of SD-WAN working with different transport service whether it be MPLS or LTE. With this flexibility of going with the current transport service available, it is beneficial to both the business and SD-WAN Service provider on setting up and configuring the connection without abandoning the technology being used.
All the above being said, we find SD-WAN cannot only benefit the organization itself but its
customers as well through fast service delivery and snappy communication. Costs can be reduced, save time in getting tasks done and many more without forgetting security for the whole business.